Datu glabāšanas kopsavilkums

Šis kopsavilkums parāda noklusējuma kategorijas un nolūkus lietotāju datu saglabāšanai. Dažām jomām var būt specifiskākas kategorijas un nolūki nekā šeit uzskaitītie.



Skill Certification

Educational Data (Assessed Coursework, exam scripts etc.)

Records of Education Attainment (Results of exams, assessments, qualifications awarded etc.)


Resume & Skill Levels

Data related to a course you enrolled, any skill certification or a fellowship level received by you.

Data related to your profile to earn Bounties, processed at Open Bounty (e.g. course enrolment management, apply for bounties, skill certificate verification) is retained as below.

Glabāšanas periods
1 gadi
Juridiskais pamats
Contract (GDPR Art. 6.1(b)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama, lai izpildītu līgumu, kurā datu subjekts ir puse, vai lai veiktu darbības pēc datu subjekta pieprasījuma pirms līguma noslēgšanas
Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama, lai izpildītu juridisko pienākumu, kas ir pakļauts pārzinim
Legitimate interests (GDPR Art. 6.1(f)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama pārziņa vai trešās personas likumīgo interešu nolūkiem, izņemot gadījumus, kad šādas intereses pārsniedz datu subjekta intereses vai pamattiesības un brīvības, kurām nepieciešama personas datu aizsardzība, it īpaši, ja datu subjekts ir bērns
Sensitīvi personas datu apstrādes iemesli
Legitimate activities regarding the members/close contacts of a foundation, association or other not-for-profit body (GDPR Art. 9.2(d)) Processing is carried out in the course of its legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards by a foundation, association or any other not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade-union aim and on condition that the processing relates solely to the members or to former members of the body or to persons who have regular contact with it in connection with its purposes and that the personal data are not disclosed outside that body without the consent of the data subjects



Skill Certification

Educational Data (Assessed Coursework, exam scripts etc.)

Records of Education Attainment (Results of exams, assessments, qualifications awarded etc.)


Resume & Skill Levels

Data related to a course you enrolled, any skill certification or a fellowship level received by you.

Data related to your profile to earn Bounties, processed at Open Bounty (e.g. course enrolment management, apply for bounties, skill certificate verification) is retained as below.

Glabāšanas periods
1 gadi
Juridiskais pamats
Contract (GDPR Art. 6.1(b)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama, lai izpildītu līgumu, kurā datu subjekts ir puse, vai lai veiktu darbības pēc datu subjekta pieprasījuma pirms līguma noslēgšanas
Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama, lai izpildītu juridisko pienākumu, kas ir pakļauts pārzinim
Legitimate interests (GDPR Art. 6.1(f)) Apstrāde ir nepieciešama pārziņa vai trešās personas likumīgo interešu nolūkiem, izņemot gadījumus, kad šādas intereses pārsniedz datu subjekta intereses vai pamattiesības un brīvības, kurām nepieciešama personas datu aizsardzība, it īpaši, ja datu subjekts ir bērns
Sensitīvi personas datu apstrādes iemesli
Legitimate activities regarding the members/close contacts of a foundation, association or other not-for-profit body (GDPR Art. 9.2(d)) Processing is carried out in the course of its legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards by a foundation, association or any other not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade-union aim and on condition that the processing relates solely to the members or to former members of the body or to persons who have regular contact with it in connection with its purposes and that the personal data are not disclosed outside that body without the consent of the data subjects

Kursu kategorijas


Glabāšanas periods
Glabāšanas periods nav definēts



Glabāšanas periods
Glabāšanas periods nav definēts

Aktivitāšu moduļi


Glabāšanas periods
Glabāšanas periods nav definēts



Glabāšanas periods
Glabāšanas periods nav definēts